Thursday, June 16, 2011

Prolotherapy for plantar fasciitis treatment

Ross Hauser, MD a leading Prolotherapy doctor, demonstrates a typical heel treatment, medial arch treatment, and plantar fascia treatment with Prolotherapy injections.

Prolotherapy can help give you heel pain relief, foot pain relief, and used for plantar fasciitis treatment and can be successful in treating almost any chronic foot arch pain, including tendon and ligament injury, plantar fasciitis, heel and foot injury.


  1. We offers prime services and solutions, with the goal of providing the best and latest technology in Plantar Fasciitis at highly competitive prices.

  2. So many great treatments of Plantar Fasciitis are available and Prolotherapy is also one of them. I like your way of providing information. You are provided most of detail on Prolotherapy treatment through that video and that is very easy to understand about Plantar Fasciitis Treatment. Thanks for this.

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