Monday, May 9, 2011

Treatment options for Lower back pain caused by Iliolumbar ligament injury

This is from a free access article at the Journal of Prolotherapy. Clinicians recorded a a case study on one patient's Prolotherapy treatments and the resulting outcome on their lower back pain that was isoloated to the Iliolumbar ligament injury
The clinical outcome concluded:
Patients that experience lower back pain and or pelvic shifting may benefit from the usage of Prolotherapy to strengthen the ligaments surrounding their pelvis. Our study also brings out the positive effects of using US to capture changes that occur within specific tissue.
Read about this Prolotherapy and Iliolumbar ligament injury from the Journal of Prolotherapy.

1 comment:

  1. I use an ice pack for my back pain but I believe correcting your posture is a far more permanent solution. Ice helps but it does not treat the root cause of most back pain. Thats my healthy contribution to this blog. bodyaline device
